Where Piles Make Smiles
We provide first class guided hunts for ducks, geese, and Sandhill cranes on the Garwood prairie
where we lease more than 5,000 acres of crop land and hunt in flooded rice, fallow and plowed fields.
We hunt out of conventional blinds, pit blinds and layout blinds. It’s an incredible sight to see and
hear 10,000 geese, feeding in one of our fields or resting on one of our ponds.
where we lease more than 5,000 acres of crop land and hunt in flooded rice, fallow and plowed fields.
We hunt out of conventional blinds, pit blinds and layout blinds. It’s an incredible sight to see and
hear 10,000 geese, feeding in one of our fields or resting on one of our ponds.

The Garwood and surrounding prairies are the wintering home for
hundreds of thousands of waterfowl every year. We primarily shoot
puddle ducks (Pintail, Teal, Gadwall, Shoveler, and Widgeon), geese
(Specklebelly, Snow, Blue, and Ross geese), and Sandhill cranes.
You’ll see a wide array of waterfowl and enjoy
many shooting opportunities!
many shooting opportunities!

Every day can’t be a limit, but every hunt can be fun and enjoyable with one of our professional waterfowl guides. They dedicate countless hours driving across the prairies in search of the perfect hunting spots for the next day. All GHC guides are expert duck, goose and Sandhill crane hunters and callers. They all hunt with trained retrievers and will do their best to put you on a successful and memorable hunt
We want to be the outfitter that you come
back to each season!
back to each season!